Teaching and Learning through fun activities in Arabic and M...




Ref: [RAM/2021/ED/WA/196]

(Please quote this UNESCO reference in all correspondence)

Date 18 August 2021

Dear Sir/Madam, 

You are invited to submit an offer for Teaching and Learning through fun activities in Arabic and Math Subjects for grades from 1-4 in Gaza in accordance with the  present solicitation document.

The Request for Proposal (RFP) consists of this cover page and the following Annexes:

Annex I Instructions to Offerors

Annex II General Conditions of Contract

Annex III Terms of Reference (TOR)

Annex IV Proposal Submission Form

Annex V Price Offer

Annex VI Vendor Information Form

Your offer comprising of a technical proposal and financial proposal, in separate sealed envelopes, should reach the following address no later than 7 September 2021 23:59.

UNESCO Ramallah Office:
15 Tokyo Street, Al-Masyoun Quarter, Ramallah
Abraj House 12th Floor


Ref: RAM/2021/ED/WA/157

Closing Date and Time 7 September 2021 23:59.


By email in separate file to [email protected] quoting “RAM/2021/ED/WA/157”

This letter is not to be construed in any way as an offer to contract with your firm/institution. Your proposal could, however, form the basis for a contract between your company and UNESCO.

You are requested to acknowledge the receipt of this letter and to indicate whether or not you will be submitting a proposal. For this purpose, and for any requests for clarification, please contact [email protected] or [email protected]

Attachments: Request for Proposal (RFP)

المكان قطاع غزة
موعد الإنتهاء 07, Sep, 2021
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