Technical Consultant in the field of Diagnostic Services for...


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Technical Consultant in the field of Diagnostic Services for Children with Intellectual Disabilities

04 - WE CARE - 2021


  1. Background

QADER for Community Development is a non-profit organization based in Bethlehem and operating in Palestine since 2008. QADER focuses on the empowerment and inclusion of persons with disabilities through influencing public policies, developing capacities of relevant stakeholders, promoting public awareness and inclusive community practices, and enhancing economic empowerment of PwD. 

  1. About the project

QADER is implementing the “WE CARE” project “Promoting responsive quality services and protection measures for persons with disabilities in Palestine” in partnership with Caritas Germany and with the funding of the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

WE CARE project aims to contribute to enhanced inclusion, protection, and promotion of the rights of persons with disabilities in Palestine, through enhancing quality of assessment and diagnostic services for children with intellectual disabilities; improving services and protection measures to effectively respond to violence and abuse against PwDs; and strengthening the monitoring of implementation of international human rights treaties and conventions related to PwD.   

Within the first component of the project “enhancing quality of assessment and diagnostic services for children with intellectual disabilities” QADER signed an MoU with Ministry of Health to collaborate on implementing the activities designed to enhancing the quality of diagnostic services for children with intellectual disabilities.

This includes forming a National Team of professionals from the public, private and civil society sectors who are responsible for / engaged in the diagnostic services for children with intellectual disabilities. The main task of the National Team is to reach a consensus on national quality standards for the diagnostic services in Palestine to ensure that children with intellectual disabilities have access to appropriate diagnostic services that are aligned with recent international practices using locally recognized and adapted diagnostic tools. The diagnostic services quality standards are expected to address three main aspects: 1) definitions of intellectual disabilities, 2) locally recognized diagnostic tools, and 3) qualifications of professional who are authorized to conduct the diagnostic for children with intellectual disabilities.

Upon the accomplishment of the main task of the national team task, a manual on quality standards will be drafted and rendered to MOH for adoption.

Following that, QADER & MoH will Conduct training program for professionals who are responsible for / engaged in diagnostic services for children with disabilities (public, private, and civil society sectors) on the nationally recognized and adapted diagnostic tools.

Finally, the project will support the capacities of the competent department at MoH to assume their responsibility in controlling quality of diagnostic services at authorized services providers.

  1. About the Assignment

The consultancy service is based on a mapping study that was conducted by QADER in 2018 in partnership with key ministries (Health, Social Development, and Education) on the status of assessment and diagnostic services for children with intellectual disabilities". The study concluded that there are no agreed upon definitions of intellectual disabilities, there are no locally recognized diagnostic tools that are adapted and suitable for the Palestinian context, and absence of control measures for the identification of qualified and recognized professionals who are authorized to conduct diagnostic services for children with intellectual disabilities. These lead to substantial gaps in the diagnostic process which negatively impacts the results of the diagnostic process, interventions, and type of services that children with intellectual disabilities should receive afterwards.

In light of the above details, QADER and MoH will launch a national consultation process with the involvement of diagnostic service providers to explore and discuss the currently used diagnostic tools by various service providers in the public, private and civil society sectors, and explore current adopted practices and tools at the regional level, and international best practices. Through the national consultation process, a national team will be formed from professionals who are responsible for / engaged in diagnostic services for children with intellectual disabilities, to propose national quality standards for the diagnostic services in Palestine to ensure that children with intellectual disabilities have access to appropriate diagnostic services that are aligned with recent international practices using locally recognized and adapted diagnostic tools. The diagnostic services quality standards are expected to address three main aspects: 1) definitions of intellectual disabilities, 2) locally recognized and adapted diagnostic tools, and 3) qualifications of professionals / team who are authorized to conduct the diagnostic services.

The consultant will facilitate the task of the national team and provide technical support and expertise in the area of the diagnostic services, best practices, diagnostic tools, and quality standards.

  1. Objective of the Assignment

The main objective of the assignment is to provide technical expertise in the area of diagnostic service for children with disabilities and facilitate the task of the national team in order to reach a consensus on the quality standards for the diagnostic services in Palestine that are aligned with international best practices. 

  1. Scope of work

The consultant shall provide the needed technical support and conduct the tasks that will lead to the achievement of the objective of this assignment, and this includes:

  • Facilitation and techncial support to the national team
    • Provide technical expertise for the conceptualization of enhancing the quality of diagnostic services for children with intellectual disabilities.
    • Provide advise on identifying key diagnostic service providers in Palestine, and professionals in the field from the region, and facilitate the liaison with them upon need.
    • Facilitate meetings and workshops of the national team.
    • Prepare technical notes and briefings from the work of the national team as needed.
  • Draft the national quality standards manual for the diagnostic services for children with intellectual disabilities
    • Prepare the first draft of the quality standards manual
    • Facilitate a national workshop(s) for presenting the draft manual of quality standards
    • Prepare an updated version of the manual based on the provided feedback and comments and summit a final draft.


  1. Deliverables
  • The deliverables related to the National Team will be identified by QADER throughout the process.
  • First draft of National Quality Standards for the diagnosis services for children with intellectual disabilities.
  • Final draft of National Quality Standards for the diagnosis services for children with intellectual disabilities.


  1. Qualifications
  • Have at least a Master’s degree in fields related to diagnostic services for intellectual disabilities.
  • Demonstrated knowledge and experience in mental health and diagnostic tools for children with intellectual disabilities and best practices at the regional and international level.
  • Has high facilitation skills with demonstrated ability to support and facilitate task force groups.
  • Ability to handle group dynamics and mitigate any potential conflicts.


  1. Timeframe
  • The assignment should be completed within 6 months form the date of signing of this contract.

Interested Consultant/ Team shall download the Solicitation Document from QADER’s website HERE, and submit their offer accordingly to [email protected], no later than 14:00 PM on Thursday 11th of November 2021.


المكان رام الله والبيرة, الخليل, بيت لحم
موعد الإنتهاء 11, Nov, 2021
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