Partner’s Finance, Admin and HR manuals review and upgrading


 General Background

Oxfam is an international confederation counting 19 organizations working together with partners and local communities in more than 90 countries. Oxfam has been working in the Occupied Palestinian Territories and Israel (OPTI) since the 1950s, a country office was established in Jerusalem in the 1980s. Oxfam mainly works in the most vulnerable communities, in Gaza, East Jerusalem, and Area C.

 Project Background

Naseej is a regional project that connects women’s voices and actions to end violence against women in the MENA region. The project will tackle Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) in conflict and occupation affected areas, through channelings financial support to women rights and civil society organizations (WROs, CSOs, and CBOs) to prevent and respond to SGBV. This will be done in parallel with technical and capacity-building support to strengthen capacities in these organizations to support their work. in conflict and occupation-affected areas.

The Project targets the 3 fragile and conflict-affected countries of Yemen, Iraq, and the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT – West Bank, in particular, Area C, East Jerusalem, Gaza Strip).

The project’s overall objective/Impact is to contribute to more gender-equitable societies in Iraq, Yemen, and the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) in which women and girls live free from violence across all spheres of life. The Specific objective of the project is to support women's rights civil society organizations (WROs) in the target countries to effectively prevent and respond to sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) during conflict

The Intermediate Outcomes of the project are: 1) partner WROs show improved organizational capacity to function more independently and effectively to deliver prevention, response, and advocacy programs/initiatives on ending SGBV, 2) SGBV is less socially acceptable in targeted communities, including among men and boys, and 3) Oxfam and WRO partners more effectively influence national and

international policy and decision makers on SGBV policy and legislation and international humanitarian law (IHL) obligation               

Description and Objective of Assignment:

Oxfam seeks to hire a consultant (an individual consultant, consultancy firm/company, or a CSO) to conduct a review for Oxfam’s six partners under Naseej project Financial, administrative and Human resources manuals and upgrade those manuals based on the partners organizational size, needs and ways of working, and one of the partners will need a review of the HR manual with special attention to the HR performance appraisal System including relevant tools and forms,

The main objectives of the assignment are:

  • Examining the manuals of each partner organization in depth
  • Identify the gaps, needs and how much it matches the organization’s size and future growth
  • Develop, the existing manuals to meet the partners’ needs
  • Develop, a budgeting process guideline manual for one of the partners


Scope of work

Under the objectives outlined above, The consultant will: 


  • Conduct a kick-off meeting with Oxfam Team to know more about the organizations that the consultant is going to work with, what are the expectations from this consultancy and set a plan for work.
  • Have an in-depth review of each organisation’s manuals to identify the gaps VS the needs
  • Share a list of documents that will be used for the review.
  • Have a summary of each organisation’s gaps and needs within the time frame
  • Share the tools with Oxfam and partners to be able to conduct the assignment successfully
  • Deliver the final manuals to the partners and Oxfam to be reviewed and approved



Required Outputs


The deliverables for this assignment include:

  • Upgraded manuals for all the partners meeting the partners’ needs
  • Budget processing manual for one of the partners
  • Develop HR performance appraisal System including relevant tools and forms


 Qualifications and Experience


Essential skills and qualifications:

The ideal consultant will have at least 7-10 years of relevant experience in manual preparations and internal procedures and guidelines. The consultant should have the following skills and competencies:

  • Strong background in finance, administration and Human resources.
  • Experience in working with NGOs, and CBOs with different sizes
  • Strong background in gender justice, women’s rights, and SGBV projects and research
  • Ability to communicate fluently in English and Arabic and write reports in English.
  • S/he is expected to propose efficient and effective team composition (if applicable) in both West Bank (Including East Jerusalem) and the Gaza Strip taking into consideration the social, cultural, environmental, and political/security issues.

How to apply

A detailed description of the assignment, services required by Oxfam and conditions of participating in this bidding is contained in the RFQ dossier and can be downloaded from the following link:

Terms of Reference

The deadline for submission of bids is September 25, 2022 upon conditions in the RFQ dossier.

Responses (Offers) shall be sent only to ([email protected])

Offer shall be sent in 2 separate files - PDF format - (one for Technical Offer and one for Price Offer)

Oxfam does not bind itself to award the tender to the lowest offer and reserves the right to accept the whole or part of the tender.

We look forward to receiving a proposal from you and thank you for your interest in our account.

المكان الشرق الاوسط والعالم
موعد الإنتهاء 25, Sep, 2022
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