Consultancy Assignment - Women Empowerment Campaign


Call for consultancy

Start Your Business Project (SYB)  

Terms of Reference



ActionAid Palestine is currently implementing a three-year project titled, “Start Your Business- SYB” in partnership with VIS – VOLONTARIATO INTERNAZIONALE PER LO SVILUPPO. The overall objective of the project is the “Creation of start-ups, development of technical skills and socio-economic promotion of young and vulnerable young people in Palestine”. As part of the SYB project activities, AAP have rolled-out the " Women’s Challenge Campaign" for 2 years aiming to challenge the discriminatory attitudes and practices that deny women’s participation in the labor force. in 2021, ActionAid will strengthen the focus of this campaign to include awareness raising and training program for young women on the national and international laws that eliminate all forms of violations and abuses in the workplace, namely ILO C190.

Purpose and Rationale

ActionAid is looking for a qualified trainer to develop a training material and deliver a training program/ awareness raising sessions to young women i) already active in labor market or ii) fresh graduates/job seekers. Hereto, ActionAid Palestine is requesting qualified consultant/trainer firms and individuals with relevant expertise in Palestinian labor laws, GBV, social and economic situation to facilitate and implement a raising awareness training program for employed women in Palestine and to draw a code of conduct aims to promote women work at community and national level.

All offers (financial and technical) must be submitted in a sealed envelope no later than Wednesday, November 10th, 2021, to ActionAid Palestine in a closed and sealed envelope to ActionAid offices as per the address below

Ramallah- Ein Misbah, opposite to YWCA and next to AL Snowbar restaurant

Hebron, As Salam Str. Behind Al ‘Am Saleh restaurant

Bethlehem, Al Makfoufin Str. Nearby Bethlehem University, Global Platform Palestine


ActionAid Palestine is keen to provide equal opportunities for all. The consultants will be selected according to the above qualifications, and only awarded applicant will be contacted.

Interested applicant can obtain the Terms of References by contacting the Program Officer by calling 0595242076 or by emailing [email protected]; from 3rd Nov-8th Nov 2021 between 9:00 am to 15:00 pm excluding Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

ActionAid offers equal opportunities for all. ActionAid Palestine is committed to SHEA (Sexual Harassment, Exploitation and Abuse) and safeguarding overarching principles and Anti - modern Slavery policy.


المكان رام الله والبيرة, الخليل, بيت لحم
موعد الإنتهاء 08, Nov, 2021
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