UN Roster Vacancies in West Bank or East Jerusalem
The UN Agencies active in Palestine (UN Country Team) requested the one UN HR group to
establish a One UN Roster that is made of the most frequently required positions. The following 12
Generic Vacancy Announcements support the establishment of this One UN Roster. The Roster will
be a list of pre-vetted, highly qualified candidates, and it serves the purpose of fast-tracking
recruitment processes as positions become available. After a rigorous selection process,
successful candidates will be placed in the respective One UN Roster for a period of 24
months. While placement on the Roster does not guarantee a position, it is going to be an important
resource for filling future vacancies. Candidates placed on the Roster will be reviewed when a
relevant position becomes available and if found suitable, are offered placements through a direct
selection process.
This Generic Vacancy Announcement serves the purpose of creating a One UN Roster in Palestine. The Roster will
be used to expedite the hiring of personnel whenever UNDP on request of an executing UN entity, or where UNDP itself
needs personnel contracting services in the respective area.
All applications must include (as an attachment) the completed UNDP Personal History form (P-11) which can be downloaded from
UNDP P11 form (new Personal History form) (google.com) Kindly note that the system will only allow one attachment. Applications without the completed UNDP P-11 form will be treated as incomplete and will not be considered for further assessment.