Vocational Training by Private Vocational Training Center


Negotiation Procedure

for Vocational Training by Private Vocational Training Center

Procedure Reference : WW-GVC/OPT/SIDA/2023/NP001



WeWorld Onlus (WeWorld), NGO active in 27 countries, has received a grant from [SIDA and AICS Jerusalem] and it intends to launch a procedure in the framework of the project entitled [The West Bank Protection Consortium Resilience program Project Code: 14571] funded by [SIDA] and in the framework of the project entitled [PONTE – Promoting Opportunities for NEXUS-oriented Territorial Empowerment and Economic Resilience project code AICS LLRD 011957/01/3] funded by [AICS Jerusalem] and it intends to launch this tender procedure which is the execution of the following work:

[Vocational Training by Private Vocational Training Center]


The tender documents / ITB package will be available:

via email and on request to the following email address: [email protected]

Or in person from the following address Procurement Department

Hebron Office:  Procurement Department, WW-GVC Hebron office, Ras Al Joura, Red Rose   Castel, 4th floor


Tubas Office- behind Tubas fuel station- United Company for medical building- 2nd-floor WW-GVC Tubas Office

Collection hours – Sunday to Thursday, from 9:00 AM to 02:00 PM. From 25th May 2023 To 30th May 2023

The deadline for tender submissions is 6th June 2023 at 12:00 PM Bids sent after the deadline will not be considered.

المكان رام الله والبيرة, الخليل, بيت لحم, نابلس, جنين, طوباس
موعد الإنتهاء 06, Jun, 2023
شارك هذا العطاء