Vulnerability Livelihood Assessment and Mapping Study
Tender Invitation
Vulnerability Livelihood Assessment and Mapping Study
Tender No: G.CD.OXBW.230.2022
Ma’an Development Centre in partnership with Oxfam is implementing the EU-funded project entitled “Building the Economic Resilience for the Gaza Strip”. Through this project MA’AN seeks to hire a consultant firm to DEVELOP Vulnerability Livelihood Assessment and Mapping Study with the following conditions :
- Companies must authorized registered dealer and registered in the tax departments with proof experience in the field of mentioned works for at least three years.
- Prices must be in EURO Excluding VAT .
- Prices must be valid for at least 120 days from the tender submission date.
- Qualified service provide can get the tender copy starting from Sunday 30th October 2022 tell Thursday 3rd November 2022 from MAAN Center between 09:00 AM and 03:00pm
- Offers must be submitted no later than Sunday 6th November 2022 at 02:00 pm
- MA’AN is not obliged to award the tender to the lowest prices, and is not obliged to give reasons.
- Offers will be assessed first on their technical merit using the evaluation criteria. Only technical scores of at least 70 points will qualify for the financial review. The financial offer weight is 30% from the total weight while the technical offer is 70% of the total weight.
- The awarded consultant firm will be required to pay for the cost of this advertisement
- For further information, please refer to MAAN Office- Logistics Department at: Gaza-Haidar Abd Al Shafi Square- Al Motaz 2 Building –Ground Floor- Next to Blood Bank Building Telefax 2823712.
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موعد الإنتهاء
06, Nov, 2022
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