استدراج عروض أسعار لتنفيذ دراسة حول العنف الجنسي في مكان الع...
استدراج عروض أسعار لتنفيذ دراسة حول العنف الجنسي في مكان العمل
TOR for hiring a consultant to implement a study on sexist violence in workplace
Project title “Palestinian women enjoying their economic rights and generating social change.”
Partner organizations Women’s Affairs Technical Committee (WATAC); alianza por la solidaridad (APS), Palestine Information and Communications Technology Incubator (PICTI)
Geographical coverage West Bank.
Type of consultancy Consultancy to implement a study on Sexist violence in the workplace
- Women’s Affair Technical committee
Women’s Affair Technical Committee (WATC) is a Palestinian feminist organization established in 1992 as a coalition of women’s grassroots committees, striving for the social, political and economic empowerment of women to achieve a democratic Palestinian society that ensures plurality, social justice and equality between men and women. WATC is a specialized actor in country in Gender Based Violence Programs and it has been playing a crucial role at the legislative arena to enhance protective regulations for women and girls.
- Palestine Information & Communication Technology Incubator – PICTI
Palestine’s Information and Communications Technology Incubator (PICTI), is the first Non-Profit ICT incubator in Palestine which was founded in 2004. PICTI provides sustainable channeling between startups, accelerators, and investors at both the local and international levels including the Palestinian Diaspora.
It is the first business incubator in Palestine that provides incubation services, accelerates the proficiency of the commercial businesses & the business owners and creates investment opportunities for innovative & unique entrepreneurial projects.
Through its new business model, PICTI provides a full package of incubation services that includes networking, guidance and marketing as well as finance and other business services.
- Alianza por la Solidaridad:
Alianza por la Solidaridad (ApS) is a Spanish NGO, that has been working in Palestine, altogether with its partners, for over 22 years to:
- Combat gender violence through awareness campaigns about rights and prevention
- Improve the quality of multisectorial services and sexual and reproductive health care aimed at female victims of violence
- Provide access to humanitarian assistance to give psychosocial support and attention to sexual and reproductive health of women and girls
- Strengthen professional skills and support income-generating initiatives for women through participatory processes
Currently, WATC, PICTI and APS are partners implementing a project named “Palestinian women enjoying their economic rights and generating social change” aiming to strengthen the role of women in the promotion of an inclusive & sustainable economic development, promote gender equality and the elimination of sexist violence in the workplace.
- Context & Program framework
“Strengthening the role of women in the promotion of an inclusive and sustainable economic development and equality between women and men in Palestine” is an initiative that is launched by the Palestine Information & Communication Technology Incubator (PICTI) in partnership with Women’s Technical Affairs Committee (WATC) and Alianza Por La Solidaridad (APS) in the frame of the project “Palestinian women enjoying their economic rights and promoting social change” funded by Generalitat De Valencia. The project partially focuses on raising the awareness of the economic actors, holders of obligations and the community in general on issues related to violence against women in general, and sexist violence in the work place in particular, through conducting a study on sexist violence in the workplace, and implementing an awareness media campaign based on the results of the study. The project also focuses on providing women who are subject to violence (and survivors) and women entrepreneurs with opportunities to improve their economic situation and support needed to strengthen their full economic potential through the creation of designed-led economic initiatives and programs.
The project has three expected results that will contribute to the achievements of the overall goal, which are as follows:
First expected result (R1): Strengthened capacities for creating economic initiatives of women in the West Bank.
Second expected result (R2): Enhanced capabilities of access to employment for women survivors or at risk of violence in Palestine.
Third expected result (R3): Economic actors and holders of Palestinian obligations and assume changes are sensitized to promote gender equality and the eradication of sexist violence in the workplace.
- Scope of the consultancy and deliverables
The objective of the consultancy is to conduct a comprehensive in-depth research in 15 Palestinian companies about the different types of Gender Based Violence that women suffer from in the workplace. The research will be conducted with a participatory methodology involving key stakeholders and actors, and will include qualitative information as well as key recommendations for decision makers and responsibility bearers to eliminate GBV in the workplace.
The work will be conducted in different stages:
- Desk and literature review.
- Research planning (inception report) and research tools design
- Field work (after WATC, PICTI´s and ApS approval of the research plan and tools)
- At least 4 Focus Group Discussions
- At least 400 questionnaires
- At least 50 interviews (15 in-depth with GBV survivors or women at risk, 35 with key stakeholder and actors)
- Elaboration of study report and conclusions
- Feedback from partners and revision of report
- Presentation of the final report to the main stakeholders (event to be prepared by the partners).
The consultant is requested to submit the following deliverables:
- Inception report, methodology and tools.
- Field work report (including notes of Focus Group Discussions and key interview notes).
- Draft study report
- Final study report after feedback from partners.
- Ppt. with the main findings and recommendations for the dissemination of the study.
- Methodology
The consultant will strictly follow the work plan and time schedule agreed with WATC and the partners in undertaking the consultancy assignment.
An appropriate methodology will have to be determined by the consultant and submitted with the consultancy technical proposal. It will be reviewed by WATC and the partners, and possibly adjusted accordingly with the consultant if needed, prior to the signature of the consultancy contract.
- Time frame
The consultant is expected to use her own computer and other equipment required for the task.
The duration of the consultancy contract shall be for a maximum of two months during the months of April to June 2019. Final deliverable shall be delivered the 18th of June at the latest.
- Profile of the consultant: qualifications and experience
- A post-graduate or equivalent qualification/degree Gender including GBV, Human rights, Political Science, Development Studies, Humanities or any other relevant discipline. Excellency level of expertise would be prioritized.
- At least 6-9 years of prior work experience in studies related to GBV and gender issues in the national context (Palestine).
- Proven sound experience on drafting similar deliverables.
- Excellent written and speaking skills in English and in Arabic.
- Demonstrated (providing concrete examples and when possible excerpts/samples) experiences and skills in preparation of training materials.
- Application procedure
Interested consultants (individuals) should submit a technical proposal in English including:
- Profile of the lead consultant and of any other member of the team if any (max 1 page) explaining why he/she/they are the most suitable for the work base on relevant experience for this concrete consultancy (max. 1 page).
- Brief methodology and conceptual framework with expected deliverable scheme/outline and timelines, team composition, work plan, etc. (max. 3 pages).
- Recent CV(s).
All applications will be evaluated against the following criteria:
Relevant/Past Experience 20%
Proposed Technical Team CVs 30%
Methodology and Objectives 30%
Financial Offer (Note that maximum budget available for this consultancy within the project is EU 3,500) 20%
Full proposals should be physically handed to the following address no later than the 21st of April 2019 at 3:00 pm:
WATC’s offices - Radio Street, Awwad Center 2nd.floor, Ramallah. Contact phone: 972 2 2987783/4
Proposals that do not include all required documents won’t be assessed.
Only contact short-listed candidates will be contacted.
الهدف من هذه الاستشارة هو تنفيذ دراسة معمقة في 15 شركة ومؤسسة حول العنف الذي تتعرض له النساء في أماكن العمل، خاصة العنف الجنسي. تشمل المهام المتعلقة بهذه الدراسة تنفيذ 4 مجموعات بؤرية، تعبئة 400 استمارة على الأقل، وتنفيذ 50 مقابلة، منها 15 مقابلة معمقة. الوقت المحدد لتنفيذ هذه الدراسة هو شهرين، بحيث يكون الموعد النهائي لتسليم النسخة النهائية هو 18\6\2019. الموعد النهائي لتسليم الطلبات هو 21\4\2019